What Is Kratom

What is Kratom

Kratom has become a favorite botanical herb for millions of people worldwide, yet few are aware of the answer to ‘What is Kratom actually?’ Today, about 5 million people buy Kratom regularly in the US, and to meet this demand, thousands of Kratom providers have popped up.

However, many people are just becoming aware of this new Kratom phenomenon and want to learn all they can about it! For these Kratom admirers, we at Kratom-K have written this article. Keep reading to learn more about the mysteries behind Kratom.

What is the Origin of Kratom?

what is origin of kratom

If you have not heard of kratom that could be because you know of it by one of its other names! Kratom has been around for centuries in the Southeast Asian region, and the locals have given it different names such as Ketum, Thom, Biak-biak, etc.

Regardless of what name you know this majestic botanical herb by, it is obtained from the Mitragyna speciosa trees grown abundantly in the Southeast Asian regions of Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, etc. These trees belong to the same family as the coffee tree and usually average height of 25 meters or 80 feet. The leaves of these trees are oval-acuminate in shape and possess interesting alkaloid profiles that give Kratom its fascinating properties.

What Makes Kratom So Special?

If you are wondering about Kratom’s specialty, the answer to that lies in the alkaloid profiles of Kratom leaves! There are up to 40 alkaloids in the Kratom leaf, with the key alkaloids being mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine.

It is believed that these two alkaloids are primarily responsible for all of the fascinating properties Kratom strains have. The best thing is that each Kratom leaf has a unique alkaloid profile, which gives it properties that other Kratom leaves may not have!

What is Kratom Harvesting Process?

what is powder of kratom

If you want to be an expert on Kratom, you have to understand the procedure behind its extraction. The first thing you should be aware of is that all the authentic Kratom is directly sourced from the Southeast Asian regions.

This is because the farmers in those areas have been growing Kratom for centuries, whereas the Western world has just lately begun to understand kratom. In the first stage of harvesting, farmers pluck the leaves that have matured and wash them to remove any contaminants that could mess with the quality of the Kratom. Next, these leaves are separated according to their vein-color and go through a drying process. They are either dried under the sun or in warehouses, after which they are ground and turned into Kratom powder. This Kratom powder can then be used to make different sorts of Kratom products, such as Kratom capsules or Liquid Kratom. At Kratom-K, we have both these forms and several other products in our branded Kratom category!

Kratom Colors

what are kratom colors

Even some of the most experienced Kratom buyers are unaware that the colors attributed to Kratom exist only in the plant leaf’s veins! The color changes as the Kratom leaf becomes more mature – here are the Kratom colors that grow naturally:

What is Kratom (Green vein color)

These are the youngest Kratom leaves and are considered perfect for people being introduced to the world of Kratom. Some popular Green Vein Kratom products include the Green Veined Maeng Da Powder and Green Veined Bali Capsules.

What is Kratom (White vein color)

Falling in the middle of the alkaloid spectrum, the White Vein Kratom is known to have the most balanced alkaloid profile. Top products in the White Kratom category include White Vein Sumatra Kratom Capsules and White Vein Maeng Da Powder.

What is Kratom (Red vein color)

The Kratom color with the highest number of alkaloids is known as Red Vein Kratom. This Kratom color is known to be the favorite of many so if you are looking for Red Vein Kratom for sale, you must buy the Red Vein Maeng Da Kratom powder!

Other Kratom Colors:

Other than these, there are two more colors of Kratom that can only be developed during the processing phase. They are known as Gold Vein Kratom and Yellow Vein Kratom.

Where to Buy Your Kratom

Now that you know well about Kratom, it only makes sense for you to know the best place to buy your Kratom from. While Kratom is available at some shops locally, it is highly recommended that you buy your Kratom online.

This is because when you buy your Kratom online from vendors like us at Kratom-K, you are provided with the following assurances:

  • High-quality Kratom sourced directly from region of origin
  • Strict quality checks to ensure purity
  • Wide variety of Kratom strains in different forms
  • Available at the most competitive prices
  • Fastest shipping services possible

Check Out Our Kratom Blogs!

Interested in learning more about Kratom. Check out our Kratom blog and gather information on fascinating topics such as ‘Kratom in Costa Rica’.

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